Jeremy Thomas
Lead Pastor
Pastor Jeremy Thomas is the lead pastor at FBC Branson. Jeremy is passionate about discipleship. He takes Matthew 28 literally…to go and make disciples of all nations. He desires to see the lost saved and for all people to know the richness of God’s grace that has been poured out on his own life.
He has been married to his gorgeous bride, Mandy, for 22 years. They have 3 boys and 1 girl; Canaan, Graceson, Jericho, and Mercy. He and his wife grew up in Central Arkansas. Jeremy has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from College of the Ozarks. He also attended the Focus on the Family Leadership Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He earned his Master’s Degree at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in Worship Theology. He also completed the Missional Leadership Program at the Resurgence Training Center in Seattle, Washington.
Jeremy loves to play with his kids. He really enjoys turkey hunting. His wife calls him the turkey whisperer. He is an avid reader. He is passionate about learning and growing in the Lord.
Jeremy is one of four elders of the church. The other 3 elders are non-paid, highly respected, humble leaders who serve alongside Jeremy. Together, they bring accountability, high level decision-making and godly vision to our gospel-gripped church family on mission.